Cheri Christensen

Cheri Christensen: The Color of White - Make Your Whites Come to Life


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Video Length: 5 Hours 36 Minutes
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Grab This Video Before Attempting To Paint White Subject Matter!

Let Award-Winning Artist Cheri Christensen Show You How To Paint A White Subject Matter Accurately… And How To Showcase Your Skills Effectively And Impress Your Viewers!

White is probably one of the most challenging colors to paint accurately, despite being such a clean and pure color!

In fact, most professional artists never use white straight out of the tube… even for the objects that appear the most white! It’s always a confusing mix of colors. 

Everything is different when painting with the mysterious color of “white” — values, shadows, creating warm and cools — all different! 

Lucky for you, award-winning artist Cheri Christensen will make it easy for you. 

So, if you’re planning to paint a subject or scene with lots of white, we highly suggest watching this video first. This will ensure your whites come to life!

In this video, you’ll discover effective methods to paint white subject matter successfully and how to see reflective color in your shadows.

Plus, you'll learn how the color white is affected by its surroundings and how time of day and weather affect the color of light.

You'll also get a masterclass on how to see and capture subtle color shifts in your shadows.

After this video, you’ll know how to paint white subject matter with confidence and precision, just like the pros. No more searching in frustration for the right paint tube!

Any serious artist knows that a thorough understanding of painting with white is mandatory. With Cheri’s guidance, you’ll soon be able to confidently paint clouds, white dresses, snow, and a variety of other subjects easily.

That’s not all.

Cheri will also teach you how to paint loosely to let your creativity flow while still capturing the essence of your subject. She'll also demonstrate how to paint what you see, and how to use reference photos to improve your painting skills.

This best-seller is a must-have, especially if you find your white subject matter paintings “dull” or “chalky” ... because after watching this video, your paintings will be much more vibrant and captivating!

Master this CRITICAL skill today with Cheri and see your paintings improve!


Here's some of what’s inside this video:

  • Clarification & demonstration on what “lightest lights” and “darkest darks” are…
  • The simple ways to prevent your painting from being “chalky” ...
  • Discover ways to improve your colors/values…
  • Tips on how to crop your photos…
  • Brilliant lessons on drawing and composition…
  • Discussion of relationships between color temperature and range of values…
  • An important note on “broken color” versus “smooth color” ...
  • How to ensure your brushwork looks like a painting and not a photo…
  • Must-not miss discussion of brushwork that describes reality without being “too real” ...
  • Lessons on transitions and edges between lights and darks…
  • Why you should consider using different brushes for different colors & color temperatures…
  • How to create lost and found edges for interest…
  • How to paint white ducks in bright sunlight accurately…
  • How to select the RIGHT reference photographs so it’s easier for you to paint…
  • How to see reflective color in your shadows…
  • Pro Tip: How to see and capture the subtle shifts in color in your shadows…
  • Insights on how to be more LOOSE with your brushwork…
  • and so much more!


Who Is Cheri Christensen?

Cheri Christensen was born in Enumclaw Washington, a small rural town of horse, dairy and cattle ranches at the foot of Mt. Rainier. Cheri's grandfather was a cattle rancher and was a big influence on her choice of subject matter today.

Cheri honed her skills in oil painting and drawing under the tutelage of Ron Lukas, a protege of Sergei Bongart, who taught in the tradition of the Russian Impressionists. Her passion lies in capturing the interplay of color and light on form.

Cheri's artistic prowess has been recognized in prestigious exhibitions at the Charles Emma Frye Art Museum in Seattle, where her first submitted painting was displayed. She also participated in the Allied Artists of America 1995 show, where her painting featuring farm animals received the Beatrice Jackson Memorial award for Best Traditional Landscape. 

Her captivating works can now be found in several galleries across the nation. These galleries include McLarry Fine Art in Santa Fe, InSight Gallery in Fredericksburg, Eisenhauer Gallery on Martha's Vineyard, and Jack Meier Gallery in Houston.

Cheri's impressive body of work has also been featured in leading art magazines like American Art Collector, Western Art Collector, Art of the West, and Southwest Art Magazine. 

Her dedication to sharing her knowledge and skills has led to the creation of five instructional videos with Liliedahl Video Productions, titled "Straight Ahead," "Highlight," "Keeping an Eye Out," "Brushwork & Backlight," and her latest release, "The Color of White." Cheri's artistic journey is also documented in the books, "Art Journey, New Mexico," and "Finding Your Visual Voice: A Painter's Guide to Developing an Artistic Style."

Today, Cheri resides in Texas, where she continues to inspire and captivate audiences with her incredible talent and passion for art.


This best-seller is perfect for you if:

  • You want to get better at painting white subject matter…
  • You want to improve your loose brushwork skills…
  • You want to learn how to paint what you see…
  • You love ducks!


Chapter Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Tips for Photographing Your Subject
  • Prepare Your Reference
  • Materials & Tools
  • Drawing & Composition
  • Block-in Shadows
  • Block-in Lights
  • Model the Form
  • Accents & Edges


Bonus Extras:

  • Interview with Eric Rhoads
  • Gallery of Cheri’s works for your inspiration


Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Patricia Casteel
We're all different.

I didn't mind that she didn't talk much. Sometimes talking interferes with my brain absorbing the movement of the artist's brushstrokes. I'm very visually oriented. -- I've never tried painting a color, then later painting over it with white which then blends the two. I've always mixed a shade or highlight separately. I'll give this technique a try.

Janet Ogren
Videography needs improving

I LOVE Cheri's work and enjoyed her presentation but I would have liked to actually see the palette Cheri was using, the paint colors and view were not easy to see. I had to keep stopping and magnifing the palette to understand how she was mixing. I would suggest that the light in the taping room include natural and/or backgroud light and not just spot light, this was not an interview but a demonstration and we really needed to see what she was doing better. Even though I am a professional photographer, I did learn from Cherie a few things about how to get better photos of my subjects, using back light, golden hours and angle, and vibrance. It was wonderful to get s quick response from Cherie when I had had a question about materials! Lastly, oh my she uses alot of paper towels! I try to use discarded cloth as much as possible to save the trees.

Linda Roman
Cheri’s Video was Mesmerizing!

I absolutely loved Cheri's video! I painted along as she taught, which was easy to follow and understand. I had always heard lightest lights and darkest darks, but never really understood the rules regarding this. Cheri, thank you for making this crystal clear. My painting, different subject matter but same principles, is beautiful and I am proud of it! Highly recommend Cheri's video!

Marlene Richardson
Color of White by Cheri Christensen.

Cheri Christensen is an amazing artist and her teaching techniques in this video really gives a new perspective of seeing the color white. This is a must buy for any artist wanting to see white and colors in their paintings come to life. I truly enjoyed every moment of this don't miss this fabulous opportunity.

Dave Clarke

The quality of this video was what I have come to expect from Liliedahl, very, very good. The artist, camera work and the sound recording. Cheri starts by lying on the ground photographing the subject, White Ducks in bright sunlight, probably one of the most difficult subjects to choose. She shows you how she selected the reference photographs. She then explains what she wanted to achieve and how she was hoping to achieve it. It was like a game of chess, that was excitement of the opening game over then Cheri settled into the middle game. There was commentary, not much, but sufficient and when it was necessary. then I settled down to watch a master at work. I love watching a good artist paint, it was as if there was only me sitting in the studio watching. I like the format of the presentation, seeing every colour mixed and every brush stroke applied. Then after a lot of work the middle game came to a close. Cheri moved into the end game, she started the end game with 2 rather dirty, scruffy looking ducks. A bit of an adjustment hear and a small alteration there, then the magic happened. Suddenly I was looking at two white ducks running towards me I didn't see it happen, it just happened before my eyes. Well we are illusionists. I think you need to watch this video several times and deliberately practice what Cheri teaches as it is a very difficult aspect of painting.