John MacDonald

John MacDonald: Poetic Landscapes


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Video Length: 7 Hours 32 Minutes
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In this instructional video, John will show you:

  • How to convey mood and emotion through your landscape paintings
  • How to paint from a study or photograph and still get the natural beauty just right
  • His proven 7-step process for landscape painting
  • How to use the components of painting to your best advantage
  • Why color, value relationships, and the quality of light matter when you want to achieve a certain look or feeling
  • A better way to paint tricky elements such as snow
  • His formula for structuring a painting that almost guarantees success
  • How to create the illusion of light, space, and form in your paintings
  • And Lots More!


John MacDonald is about to solve two big problems that most landscape painters experience:

  1. How in the world can you convey emotion when there are no tubes of paint labeled “Tranquility”, “Drama”, or “Peace”?
  2. How to create an amazing landscape painting when working from sketches, studies, or photographs.


You’ll see that John has both of these problems solved and he’s going to help you do the same. 

By demonstrating his proven 7-step landscape painting process, artists of every level will be able to understand and apply John’s tried-and-true steps and techniques that have allowed him to create striking and award-worthy paintings.

You’re about to see how color, value relationships, and the quality of light will help you elevate your ability to create a desired mood or emotion in your paintings. You’ll see how composition, selecting a focal point, and tonal underpainting make a tremendous difference in how people will see and experience your paintings.

Even when working from a study or photograph, you’ll discover how to capture the natural beauty of the landscape — the relationships and important details that communicate true nature and not just a duplication of a potentially distorted photo. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Keith Demanche
John MacDonald: Poetic Landscapes

Terrific video, love his process and commentary. Very detailed, lots of information.

Wonderful video

Great amount of very valuable art instruction. He truly cares to help other artists grow and understand how to paint lovely landscapes. Thank you so much.

John McDonald

Very informative!

Spencer Leyton
A worthwhile purchase.

Good tips, and a very worthwhile demo.

Jean E Hanson

I learned a valuable lesson on values.