William A. Schneider

William A. Schneider: Teaching the Limited Palette Techniques


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Video Length: 2 Hours 24 Minutes
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Schneider first demonstrates a proportional measuring system to prepare an accurate copy of Zorn's painting, in charcoal, and then shows how Zorn was able to use such a limited palette of oil colors to finish such a masterful painting.

The video is a focus on drawing, values, shapes and edges and is sure to provide you with the inspiration, initiative and knowledge you need to improve your painting skills by practicing the methods demonstrated in this video. 

In this video, William Schneider explains the modern technology available today to assist in doing this in your studio, rather than in a museum, and explains the methods he uses to first render a head originally painted by Master Artist Anders Zorn in charcoal and then using the limited palette of colors, made famous by Zorn, to do the alla prima oil painting.