After the painting by Marcus Stone. Marcus Stone is known for his paintings of women in beautiful garden settings. This subject is particularly poignant and more emotional than most of his work. It was chosen to illustrate how beautifully the academic grisaille underpainting renders both stone and flesh in the sundial and the girl.
The information contained on this CD, when viewed or printed, is an exact reproduction of the original, printed version. The user has complete control of the viewing process and may choose to print any or all of the included documentation, as desired. Printing images in color requires the user to have a color printer.
The CD contains the following information for viewing and/or printing:
Study the methods of the Old Masters with Johnnie Liliedahl.
Learn the Grisaille underpainting technique, color glazes and scumbles, and how to create the porcelain flesh colors achieved by the great Victorian artist Marcus Stone.
More about the project from the original printed version:
SIZE: 18" x 24"
TECHNIQUE: Grid Method of Drawing Enlargement, Opaque Academic Grisaille Underpainting, Underpainting Glazes, Opaque Overpainting, Drybrush, Glazing, Scumbling.
CONTENTS: 42 Pages of Written Instructions, 9 Color Images, 4 Pages of Drawing Aids, 2 Color/Value Placement Diagrams for Face & Hands, Color Swatch Reference Guide, Value finder Card.
Instructions include enlarging the 18" x 24" drawing to 36" x 48", the size of this reproduction painting.