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In this instructional video, John will show you:
John MacDonald is about to solve two big problems that most landscape painters experience:
You’ll see that John has both of these problems solved and he’s going to help you do the same.
By demonstrating his proven 7-step landscape painting process, artists of every level will be able to understand and apply John’s tried-and-true steps and techniques that have allowed him to create striking and award-worthy paintings.
You’re about to see how color, value relationships, and the quality of light will help you elevate your ability to create a desired mood or emotion in your paintings. You’ll see how composition, selecting a focal point, and tonal underpainting make a tremendous difference in how people will see and experience your paintings.
Even when working from a study or photograph, you’ll discover how to capture the natural beauty of the landscape — the relationships and important details that communicate true nature and not just a duplication of a potentially distorted photo.