Debra Joy Groesser

Debra Joy Groesser: Understanding the Effects of Light


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Video Length: 6 Hours 9 Minutes
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What’s exciting about Understanding the Effects of Light:

  • Discover the five types of light that influence color and atmosphere
  • How to paint various landscape elements (water, trees, marsh, atmospheric perspective, light and shadow, values, reflections)
  • How to tackle complicated landscape composition
  • The two most important elements of landscape painting
  • How “painting blind” can help you create a better painting
  • Common pitfalls to avoid when choosing your subjects
  • The ONE element of painting you MUST get right
  • Debra’s four-minute composition “trick”
  • How a white canvas can throw you off, and what to do about it
  • The “roadmap method” for drawing in the scene
  • How to simplify your painting (and reduce wrinkles around your eyes)
  • Key lessons on how atmospheric perspective alters color and value
  • The exact tool that will make mixing greens far easier
  • How to avoid making muddy colors
  • The secret to guiding viewers to your focal point
  • How to paint the different shades of green in a landscape...
  • PLUS: An interview with Debra (amazing insights!)

Debra Joy Groesser is sharingall of the painting insights and wisdom she’s learned throughout her journey in Understanding the Effects of Light.

In this course, you’ll get in-depth instruction on how to express the essence or spirit of your subject through light, color, and value...

Giving you even more insights on how to turn a “normal” painting into a piece worthy of forum discussions.


You’ll also discover:

  • The five types of light, and how they affect color and atmosphere in the landscape
  • How to accurately portray value, color, and atmosphere
  • The various elements of a landscape painting

This is acomplete oil painting workshop, starting from basic concepts all the way to the finished painting. 

You’ll get to follow Debra every step of the way, in high-quality video so you won’t miss a single brushstroke!


As she demonstrates a painting calledLate Day Reverie, Narada Lake, you’re going to learn all about:

  • How to paint various landscape elements (water, trees, marsh, light and shadow, values, reflections)
  • How to paint the different shades of green in a landscape...
  • How light influences color in the landscape…
  • How to tackle complicated landscape composition...
  • What commonly overlooked pitfalls to avoid when composing your painting…
  • Vital elements of landscape painting...
  • Plus: advanced instruction on how to create depth through atmospheric perspective


She’s going to reveal key techniques, like how to choose your composition, how to use masses and simple shapes, creating value planes in the landscape, and how to create atmospheric perspective through color, value, and texture.

She’s not going to stop there…

You’ll also learn how to accurately portray color and value, techniques on water reflections, and painting the effects of light — pushing your skills as an artist to even higher levels.

In case you’re wondering, this master class is perfect foranyone (beginner, intermediate, and advanced painters) who wants to understand how light influences color in the landscape and the elements of landscape painting.

Debra is a remarkable and accomplished artist herself, and she’s anamazing teacher.

One of her students left this nice testimonial for her:

“You are an amazing artist, and I am so lucky that you had room for me to be in your class. I learned sooooo much! And I believe you were the perfect teacher to introduce me to oils, as well as plein air. I feel so fortunate to have met you. Thank you for your patience and compassion and especially your talent that you shared with me. Thank you!”

So if you’re looking for afantastic instructor to teach you all about the effects of light, look no further than Debra Joy Groesser in Understanding the Effects of Light.



Painting the Effects of Light Workshop PDF

Exhibit of Works

High-Speed View

Insights from the Artist

BONUS TIP — Painting with White



  • Introduction
  • How Light Influences Color & Atmosphere
  • Elements of Landscape Painting
  • Composition: Choosing Your Subject
  • Value
  • Paints & Brushes
  • Demonstration Step 1: Thumbnail Sketches
  • Demonstration Step 2: Tone the Canvas
  • Demonstration Step 3: Draw the Scene
  • Demonstration Step 4: Block In Shadow Shapes
  • Demonstration Step 5: Block In Lights
  • Demonstration Step 6: Develop the Painting
  • Demonstration Step 7: Take It to Finish


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Gordon Baker
Understanding the Effects of Light

The DVD is everything it is advertised to be. Managing the effects of light in a painting is everything, and Debra's explanation is very good.

Carolynn Klotz
And then I saw the light

This dvd helped me paint the last three oil paintings. Fellow artists are making comments about my finished work. Thank you for turning the light bulb on. It is true ! You can teach an old dog new tricks

Angela Dingwell
Excellent video!

I have purchased several Streamline videos and I would rate this as one of the best. The artist speaks very well and gives so much clear, useful information. It's a great one to have if your funds are limited and you want lots of ‘bang for your buck.' She covers the entire painting process from beginning thoughts to final touches, regardless of your personal style of painting or chosen subject matter.