Cheri Christensen

Cheri Christensen: Brushwork & Backlight


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Video Length: 3 Hours 36 Minutes
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This instructional video with Cheri Christensen on backlighting and brushstrokes can take you from beginner to being able to paint whatever you want. It can take you from being a good painter to the next level.

Cheri shows you how to take your painting to heights you only imagined before now.


This video is for you if you want to learn:

  • How to get in front by understanding one essential concept
  • To experiment with new techniques
  • How to paint what you see
  • How to understand values and the relative nature of light and shadow
  • How to simplify brushstrokes and manipulate them for impact
  • How to control the edges in your painting
  • How to solve the number one problem people have when painting highlights
  • To see the colors of shadows and light (you didn’t know they were there, did you?)
  • How to use backlighting to create warmth in your paintings
  • How to use color and texture to create light and shadows
  • How to paint white objects and make them warm and luminous
  • How to place your objects where you want them to create a balanced and interesting composition

You will learn how to assemble all the elements of a picture to make a painting you are so happy with, you will be excited to show everyone.



Cheri was born in Enumclaw, Washington, a small rural town of dairies and horse and cattle ranches at the foot of Mt. Rainier. Her grandfather was a cattleman and was a big influence on the subject matter of her paintings.

Cheri has been painting farm animals and teaching oil painting for over 25 years, and she currently resides in San Antonio, Texas.

Early in her career, she found the right teacher, who taught a method she wanted to learn. Working with Ron Lukas, a protégé of Russian Impressionist Sergei Bongart, Cheri developed her own distinctive style of painting.

Cheri began by copying paintings and quickly moved on to painting portraits and still life's, extending her drawing skills. She did every class, workshop, and mentoring session she could.



  • Brushwork & Backlight Demonstration
  • Introduction
  • Review the Subject
  • Painting Materials
  • Establish Placement
  • Paint the Shadow Shapes
  • Paint the Light & Details
  • Interview
  • Exhibit of Works


Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Nancy Curran
Cheri Christensen

I love her work. Its beautiful. i wish she talked more and explained more about what she was doing and why.

Joan Massagli
A challenge to try.

Cheri put forth just what I was needing in her brush work and building from start to finish. .I would have liked when dipping her brush into a color, she named the color. The dark's on the left of her palette were difficult to tell one from the other until she put it on her palette .I learned a lot, and had an enjoyable three hours. I liked her right off! This was also a stretch for me , as I paint large . I have different size brushes, but none that small. I am going to try her technique, Looking forward to the challenge.

Brushwork and Backlight Cheri Christensen

I've been a fan of Cheri's artwork for a number of years. Her video covered the basics of her painting set up. Watching her brushwork was helpful. It would have been helpful with printed labels or a list of the brands and names of the oil paints she had on her palette. This makes a major difference in obtaining the desired color. Also, it was unclear what mixture was in her 2 containers........there again, labeling would help.

Karen Coe
Helped me learn to make each stroke count

Although I benefited from the video and it was very timely for my needs, I would have preferred a little more teaching/showing and explaining. Also I could not see her palate very well and could not tell what she was doing with color mixing. I would have to stop the video and figure out how she got the color she was applying.

Barbie Andrews
Luscious color and movement in brushwork

I was so excited to watch this! I have tried to arrange to attend Cheri's workshop in Texas, but Ohio is so far away and my schedule conflicted.... I appreciated her explaining her approach as she applied paint. I really could see how helpful her value study in oil was helpful as a reference - and it was amazing. So much to appreciate! She is such an encouraging person and can articulate simply and give you time to think about what she said.