Learn how to paint figures that fit into any scene with this video workshop from Thomas Schaller.
Follow two step-by-step demonstrations that teach you how to paint figures that match the environment and mood. Thomas demonstrates painting figures in an energetic street scene and a figure in a quieter, contemplative farmland scene. Along the way you learn tips for creating strong composition, painting techniques and brushwork, and more for beautiful paintings that focus on the figure.
In Capturing Light in Watercolor: Figure Painting you will find:
About Thomas Schaller
Following a 20 year career in New York City as an architect and architectural artist, Tom Schaller is now a premier artist and instructor in the watercolor medium. With a focus on painting light, Tom teaches workshops around the world, including his Architecture of Light workshop. He has won multiple awards for his watercolor art, including the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize and has been published in several publications, including Watercolor Artist, International Artist, Southwest Art, and many others. His work can be found in various collections and exhibitions. He is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the California Art Club, and the North American Watercolor Artists.