Christine Lashley

Christine Lashley: Vibrant Landscapes


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Video Length: 6 Hours 14 Minutes
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Highlights of Vibrant Landscapes:

  • Discover Christine’s uniquely creative ideas about reflections...
  • How to use photo references without being overly dependent on them
  • Water-soluble oils explainedlike never before
  • The secret of “hidden colors” in landscapes
  • You’ll never paint reflections the same way again (and that’s good!)
  • Painting from memory … rules you won’t forget
  • How to paint water lilies with style and flair
  • The power of warm and cool colors
  • How slowing down helps you paint more loosely(surprised?)
  • When “flinging color around” is the right thing to do
  • Why “juicy underpaintings” are fun and useful
  • Christine’s “fail-proof” secret to getting started
  • Creating studies — the shortcut to excellence
  • Witness an insightful artist’s interview with Christine
  • Discover Christine’s special tips you’ll never hear anywhere else
  • PLUS: A beautiful demonstration painting by Christine: Golden Hour, Giverny
  • And much, much more!


What if you could understand water reflections so well...

...that you could invent your own reflections?

You wouldn’t have to worry about changes in light or your view being blocked while painting!

If you’re looking to master water reflections…

...then look no further than Christine Lashley’s brand new course called Vibrant Landscapes.

Christine is the amazing teacher behind the highly popular Paintings That Sparkle course we released last year. It was an instant hit, and customers wanted to see more of what Christine teaches, so...

This time around, she’s going to show you... to observe water and understand how it works so you can create paintings with believable wet water and glistening reflections.

She’ll reveal how to use certain “visual tricks” to simplify complex reflections — making them mucheasier to paint.

You’ll also discover how to identify what colors are warm and cool and how to see “hidden colors— skills that will help you paint any water scene!

Plus, you’ll discover how to mix your colors to create realistic-looking water... to use paint handling to maximize the transparent nature of water to paint realistic reflections with correct colors, angles, and values....

...and much, much more!


Chapter Outline

  • Introduction: brief intro to the what and why 
  • Outdoor Observation: tips on what to look for when you are outside to help you understand and observe water and reflections from life so you can take these learnings back to the studio
  • Inspiration & Ideas: A grouping of inspiration and tips to take with you thru the upcoming studies and demo. The importance of using your personal experiences as inspiration. Information about photos. What will make a good painting. Observing master works. How to define Water and Reflections. Why using light colors to create a painting bathed in light is not necessarily what you should be doing. Includes a review of the reference we will be using the Painting Demonstration.
  • Painting Studies: Review the reason for doing studies--to capture that memory, that personal connection to the subject. Lean how best to compose by avoiding “Halfsies” and using 3 distinct values, and connecting shapes
  • Understanding Water Reflections: Do a couple quick studies to understand the concept of reflections in water--color of reflections, value of reflections, how to paint angles. Lots of little tips at how to understand and translate what you are seeing accurately.
  • Project Materials & Tools--Review the traditional (and water-soluble) oil paints, brushes, canvas. Tips on tube colors and how to tell what a color really when you read the label. You’ll love the way her bright / pure color palette can shift to beautiful grayed colors and gorgeous transparent passages
  • Demonstration: Underpainting Block In--Use water-soluble oil paint to create a juicy “crazy” underpainting thinking about the composition / values and temperatures of colors, unifying the shapes, merging shapes and values
  • Demonstration: Alla Prima Block In--Lesson on painting fat over lean, color mixing tips for mixing grays, why working with a palette knife can be better than working with a brush, the best ratio of values to use for creating a light-filled painting, composition and shape-making lessons, line and edge lessons, brushwork lessons, paper towel painting, tips for how to stay focused on the main idea and how to stay positive . how to create Zesty Color
  • Demonstration: Assess and Refine--adjusting as needed to make the main focus of the painting still read, pay attention to edges, color temperature, texture vs smooth passages, add flowers and details, smaller marks are much more a part of the painting now, things to keep in mind that will help you know when the painting is done



High Speed View

Exhibit of Works

Plein Air and Studio Art (Gallery of works)

Interview with Eric

Woodland Stream Water Reflections--bonus inspiration and review of photos and video of water


Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Christine Lashley: Vibrant Landscapes

Christine explains everything so well on how to compose a painting, how reflections work, how to mix paint, and how colors interact with each other on the palette and the canvas, and so on. I like her technique of using water-mixable oils for a loose underpainting wash which dries quickly. She is an experienced teacher and a talented and award-winning artist.

Rachel Harris
Christine Lashley: Vibrant Landscapes

Christine explains everything so well on how to compose a painting, how reflections work, how to mix paint, and how colors interact with each other on the palet...

charles walters
Phenomenal Video

I've been following Christine Lashley's art for some time. She is a master artist whose landscape scenes depicting the beauty, complexity, and harmonious essences of nature are little short of astounding. That she has deigned to share some of her creativity and know-how in this video is a gift for artists and lovers of fine art. This is one of those instances where modern technology serves timeless art. A great video by a great artist!

Mary-Alice Taylor
Wanted to love it...

The hour Ms. Lashley spends an hour on making studies in watercolors and also includes a primer on using this medium. These demonstrations go on too long for a novice learning to work in oils. Using oils or acrylics would have been more informative as well as more relatable to the process. Lastly, I had difficulty focusing on the lesson at hand when lengthily explanations of what she was going to do preceded doing anything on the canvas. Before writing this review, I watched this DVD again to make sure that my first impressions still hold up, which they do. This review is respectfully submitted. Cheers.

James Richardson
Christine Lashley: Vibrant Landscapes

Great video from Christine Lashley. I wasn't disappointed. Christine covered the key elements of composition really well. I guess that as my current focus is on understanding value and colour, particularly in relation to temperature and how to employ/understand 'greys' I was concentrating on these elements, and Christine shed new light on these for me. That aside, I was really inspired by Christine's personal, unassuming approach - she made me feel that even an experienced artist (as she is) is still/always on a learning journey. This made me feel a lot better!! Yet another brilliant art tutorial from your shelves. Only one problem..... videos like this one make you want even more!