Chuck Marshall

Chuck Marshall: Simplifying For Success - Landscape In Oil


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Video Length: 3 Hours
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Here’s what awaits you in this video

  • Starting Now: Turn complexity into simplicity! (This is key to your success!)
  • The ONE thing that can save your landscape design
  • When to squint and when to open your eyes wide (Chuck knows and now you will, too!)
  • Colors that come and colors that go — uncover the secrets!
  • Hmmm, just how did Chuck become the “King of Greens” anyway?
  • Keep your composition from falling apart!
  • Slow down, this is not a race!
  • New perspectives to make you proud of your own landscapes! (will this be a first for you?!)
  • Is there an object in your way? Chuck shows you how to move around it!
  • Get your confidence to trend upward!
  • Improve your “Landscape Vision”... you’ll be a better painter for it!
  • Master painting in your studio AND in plein air!
  • Pop quiz! Lines or Shapes? 
  • And a whole lot more!


It’s wonderful to be inspired when you look out over a beautiful landscape that’s ripe for painting. Then, suddenly, all that beauty becomes overwhelming. You see complexity, subtleties in color ... a vast panoramic scale. Now what?

 Without a great expert for a guide, you could wander aimlessly through landscape paintings that are littered with trial and error. Landscapes with tangles of shapes, composition, values, colors, and countless details.

 You realize the challenge requires knowing where to start and where to go after that. 

 Meet your new expert guide, Chuck Marshall!

Chuck is going to show you how to overcome the overwhelm and help you map out a simpler way from start to finish.

 Follow along as Chuck creates a gorgeous landscape painting, The Sentinel II, right before your eyes. You’ll see him start with a simple value pattern that holds true till the very end. The final painting is packed with color and light, but still all inside the big value shapes he created at the beginning.

 Concise, clean colors with correct values give Chuck’s paintings a feeling of time and space to which every landscape artist aspires. With Chuck’s techniques, your paintings can have the same qualities much easier than you might think.

 With this video, you’ll be inspired by Chuck Marshall’s award-winning approach. You’ll never look at a landscape the same way again because you’ll know how to simplify from start to finish and achieve the success you seek.


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Karen Lieberman
Simplifying for Success: Landscape in Oil with Chuck Marshall

I am absolutely loving this video! I'm fairly new to painting and want to be a plein air painter. What a great wealth of information and inspiration.

My first landscape video

This video is fabulous, I have never done landscapes. , can't wait to start one . Yes my first one will be Grand Canyon.

Chuck is a fabulous instructor. Thank you for this video

Claire Carnell
Chuck Marshall

I really liked the video, especially the focus on getting the larger shapes and values in before trying to add detail.
I had signed up for one of Chuck's workshops several years ago, but unfortunately it was cancelled, so I was very pleased to see that he was putting out a video through Lilledahl!

Barbara Pask
Chuck Marshall, an excellent teacher

I received the dvd and watched it almost immediately. Chuck has such a gentle touch when laying down paint and explains things really well. I loved the finished painting, everything about it, simplifying the block end is very helpful, I get caught up in details too quickly most of the time.