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There’s only a handful of top artists who are really skilled at capturing moving water. This is a rare opportunity for you to learn from one of them in Painting Waterfalls in Oil with Howard Friedland.
No matter your current skill level, you’ll find yourself admiring Howard’s talent and ability for painting raw beauty. You may even catch yourself saying, “I wish I could paint like that!”
As you study with Howard throughout this video, you’ll advance from wishingyou could paint like that to actually creating the magic of moving water easily, quickly, and consistently.
Always carrying a camera, Howard takes photos of paintings from other artists and uses them to further define his own signature style. This has led him to develop unique methods for both painting, and teaching others to paint beautiful water.
Let Howard take the lead as he shows you his process in vivid, clear, and compelling detail.
“It doesn’t take much motivation to get me to paint — I just like the process of doing it”
Look for inspiration
If you’re like Howard, you’re constantly noticing the paintings of other artists and finding ones that inspire you beyond your ability to explain why.
These experiences wouldn’t just float on by for Howard. When he ran into this, he would study the artist and learn the process they went through to create that final work.
If possible, he would take classes from the artist. He would do whatever it took to find out the actual steps the artist took. Then he would try it in his own studio.
Yes, old-fashioned trial and error.
And now, YOU benefit because Howard has created this new video that shows you ONLY what he proved worked every time.
Who is Howard Friedland?
Howard started with a love of drawing as a child. He and his best friend would go down to the Natural History Museum in New York and sketch the dioramas.
It didn’t take long for people to pay him compliments. According to Howard, “That really got me going!”
From there, he went to the High School of Music and Art in New York, where he was introduced to oil painting for the first time.
College was at Cooper Union (in New York), which was a special school for art and science. It was here that Howard directed his talents to commercial art. He had his sights set on a career in advertising.
After that career was over, he moved to Miami, Florida. He attended the Miami Art Center and started taking painting classes at night.
“Painting really got in my blood.”
Later, he made a move to New Mexico, where there were a lot of galleries that were showing the representational painting that Howard really liked. This is where his love of landscapes was ignited.
Soon his art was hanging in several galleries in New Mexico.
All that time, he continued to learn, grow, and develop as an artist and was “drawn” to all types of water in landscapes. Whether a babbling brook, creek, bigger stream, rapids, small waterfalls, or of course the giant breathtaking waterfalls. Something about water just captured his imagination.
Now, YOU benefit because his new video, Painting Waterfalls in Oil, breaks down his entire process into easy-to-follow steps that will have an enormous impact on your ability to paint like a master.
The process is broken down for you
See Howard go through his process in vivid, clear, and compelling detail:
Grid, sketch, and lineColor-block like a master
The “core four” water details
Where process meets improvisation
Where the freedom of music meets art
Howard has a long history of teaching other artists the best of what he knows. He had terrific teachers along his path, and he has dedicated himself to paying that forward.
As his career progressed, Howard discovered that his “style” also became more fully featured. He found himself incorporating various methods from his different teachers along the way.
When he melds those pieces together, he says it’s like jazz music:
“I like jazz music, so improvising and trying uncontrolled techniques will take over. Most times, those accidental, unconscious brushstrokes are the freshest parts of my painting. If not, I just scrape it off and try something else!”
Put an end to flat, fake, and lifeless water features in your paintings
How to use photo adjustmentsThe waterfall trio
The “core four” will bring your waterfall to life
In his video, Howard has included some amazing EXTRAS for you: