Daniel Sprick

Daniel Sprick: Portraits


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Video Length: 9 Hours 6 Minutes
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Highlights of Portraits with Daniel Sprick:

  • ‘See’ painting through Daniel Sprick’s eyes
  • Ensure features are in the right place
  • Bring out the story of an individual - powerful!
  • Daniel’s “Mr. Magoo” technique that will cut out 90% of what you see!
  • Discover Daniel’s thoughts on art
  • How Daniel adds ‘connoisseurship’ to turn his art into magnificent masterpieces
  • What Daniel does to find the ‘esoteric secrets of the soul’
  • Why hair is like river currents, and how to apply it to your portraits
  • How tiny and subtle brushstrokes can bring form and life to the face
  • Daniel’s “Mirror Trick” to manipulate light
  • Foundations of painting that you can apply virtually anywhere
  • Discover Daniel’s most valuable painting tool EVER!
  • Watch how Daniel portrays “ethereal beauty” in his portraits 

You’ll also enjoy:

  • An Insights from the Artist segment
  • Exhibit of Daniel’s works
  • High-speed View of the demonstration painting
  • A special tour of Dan’s studio

Many artists don’t feel they’re successful if they haven’t mastered portraits.

There’s so much to consider in portrait work…

Complex 3-dimensional form…

Capturing features accurately so that everything is in proportion...

Representing the subject’s character and emotion…

And that’s not all…

With realism, you must also think about skin texture, hair detailing, how the light falls on the subject…

And then all of the usual decisions about design, color, composition…

This video course allows you to study with one of today’s portrait greats — Daniel Sprick.

Filmed in Daniel’s large, open, and naturally lit home studio in Denver, Colorado, you’ll feel as though you’re right with Daniel and his model friend, who is also an artist.

You’ll hear their dialogue about this specific demonstration painting as well as art in general — it’ll be as though you’re hanging out with them in the studio! The best part is that you can pause the video to allow yourself time to absorb the lessons.

Portraits with Daniel Sprick is your opportunity to experience portraits through the lens of Daniel’s unique thought process, giving you insights that could transform the way you approach your painting.

Dan is also going to teach you how to have a strong foundation for your painting, no matter what your preferred subject is. 

You’ll see the materials, tools, and types of paint he uses to create his masterpieces.

You’ll discover his techniques for how to create a harmonious and expressive picture that brings out the hidden beauty of your subject.

And he’s also going to give you a masterclass on the value of values, color temperature, and “edge control” that is going to cement your understanding of portrait painting even more.

You’ll learn how to work from generalities (big shapes), and how to slowly “sculpt” them into more specific depictions. (I believe this is what makes Dan so unique.)

Who is This Masterclass For?

This masterclass is perfect for oil painters who want to accelerate the pace of their learning and greatly raise the quality of their paintings. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, you’ll see things no other painter has to offer.

Learning from Dan will give you a big advantage over your peers, helping you and your artwork stand out. 

You see, there’s a tendency among painters to do the same things, and that makes their paintings look the same as everybody else’s.

When you see Dan paint, it’s like he’s catching something else, totally different, that not many artists can see. Which may be why Daniel Sprick has had major museum shows, has been featured in a PBS documentary, and is considered one of the premier artists in the world.

Noticing that many painters don’t get their proportions correct, even after painting most of their lives, you’ll see how Dan does it so well. 

Using Dan’s techniques, you’ll get your proportions on point so they’ll look as accurate as possible. This alone will really boost the look and feel of your work. 

Finally, Dan will show you how to understand how light works and how it affects your painting, along with tips and strategies guaranteed to make you an even better portrait painter.

You’ll discover new and different ways to interpret details and include them in your paintings. Seeing portraits through new eyes will broaden your skills and help you create artwork that stands above.

Chapter Breakdown

  • Introduction
  • Drawing and Background
  • General Block-in
  • Mix Skin Tones and Develop Form
  • Refine the Drawing
  • Work Up to the Features
  • Gradual Changes and Details
  • Adjustments
  • Upper Arms and Body
  • Hair
  • Finish the painting



Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Tanner Steed
Daniel Sprick: Portraits

I have been studying with Dan for the past couple years and I find that this video is excellent resource for anyone who is looking for insights on his process. This process that he demonstrates can be applied to all subject matters, particularly the way that he starts. I would highly recommend this video to anyone who wants to see a true Master at work.

Tanner Steed
Daniel Sprick: Portraits

I have been studying with Dan for the past couple years and I find that this video is excellent resource for anyone who is looking for insights on his process. This process that he demonstrates can be applied to all subject matters, particularly the way that he starts. I would highly recommend this video to anyone who wants to see a true Master at work.

Jim Richards
Excellent demonstration from a Master Artist

I certainly consider Daniel Sprick a Master Artist and enjoyed his artwork for many years, be it figurative, landscape, and especially his still life. His portraits are truly masterful. This video shows his process in detail, from the first brushstroke to the last. Daniel's commentary is sparse, but what he does say is insightful and watching him paint is well worth the cost of the video. Seeing the palette as he mixes his paints and then apply the paint to the surface is instructive. I like to learn from watching. The way the brush is held, the way brush strokes are laid down, how the colors are mixed, the progression of the painting through various stages, the stepping back and analysis for the next refinement. It is all there to see. His anecdotes, although few, are interesting as are his sayings... Squint like Mr. Magoo

Liliya Muglia
Mastery of luminous images

When I think of Dan Sprick's work it always reminds me of Vermeer's way of communicating to a viewer through light. In this video he demonstrated how he employs light to illuminate his subject from within giving it glowing quality that the image stays in your memory communicating with subconsciousness in a very subtle way.
I like his palette. It is very simple limited in a way unless he brings some colours in addition later on. It allows him to simplify the value control and he stays on big form modelling for quite a long time which allows him to build small forms on a top very quickly with the same quality of light and shadow and quality of edges that submitted to the same big form model ing idea. I like the quality of his soft and lost edges and his employment of various fan brushes and long tip round soft brushes for wispy hair strands. Also there is an amazing lesson of building the hair structure, shaping it in a way that it transcends the light into subject and supporting the whole statement of the Portrait. I think Dan has a superb taste and vision that teaches us how to be able to edit the reality that we see and make our art more interesting and well designed. Over the years I took an opportunity to listen to him speak and almost everything he said was so eloquently put together that I remember most of it from years back when I was in my academic years trying to learn how to paint.
He is a master who carries the special light in his work, superb vision and taste

Chris Clamp
Very informative video with much insight

I have been a fan of Dan's for many years, so this is a treat to be able to watch him work. He is definitely an artist that works in a particular flow-state, that is quite different from how many other realists paint. I find that refreshing, and I love the bits of random information that Dan reveals at small moments throughout the painting. Everything here is pure gold.