Albert Handell

Albert Handell: Painting Water & Rocks in Oil


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Video Length: 5 Hours 25 Minutes
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Here’s just some of what Albert Handell has in store for you:

  • Find (and paint!) the rhythm of water (this is THE key to bringing water to life!)
  • Transparent + opaque = Albert’s signature style!
  • Capture the excitement of white water (you’ll feel the rush!)
  • From toning your canvas to making the final touches (it’s all here!)
  • The ONE “must-do” for painting successfully from photographs
  • Never thought you could paint a rushing mountain stream? You will now!
  • View each painting differently, and bring a fresh approach each time!
  • How good notes and progressive photos will help you become a better painter (Albert tells all!)
  • How just two colors can create vivid effects!
  • Add reflections and you’ll be adding magic!
  • How in the world can you add motion and flow to rushing water? (Here’s how!)
  • Shimmer — just what a water scene wants! 
  • Wild water — tame that beast!
  • Relax and let the water go where it wants!
  • And LOTS more!


There are few artists alive today who have been drawing and painting for 75 years. 

Albert Handell is one of the few. From the age of 6, drawing with chalk on his Brooklyn neighborhood sidewalks, to an award-winning artist sustaining a professional art career for over six decades.

Imagine everything Albert has experienced in his life and career — technological developments, cultural shifts, changing trends, worldwide art movements … and yet Albert has not only survived, but continues to thrive as a living legend.

Having no trees, hills, or streams growing up in Brooklyn, Albert’s love for nature and for painting landscapes was forever imprinted on him after a move to Woodstock, New York. Years later, painting water and its surroundings continues to be his favorite.

In this video, Albert shows you how to take what touches you in nature and translate your impressions with paint.


The Challenge of Water and Rocks

Water and rocks are some of the most challenging subjects for many landscape painters … and just two of Albert’s specialties!

Watch and paint right along with Albert as he shares the tips and techniques that will help you bring the rush and power of flowing water into your paintings.

You’ll see how to make rocks look super realistic by depicting them accurately — the true colors, the lost and found edges and angles, and the shadows they create. Whether the rocks are your focal point or used as a strong backdrop, getting them just right makes the movement of the water natural and believable.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find an artist and instructor who can bring water and rocks to life as well as Albert can.


Albert’s Signature Style

Albert takes you deep into his insights on color, value, paint application, and how to best work from life and from photographs. He shares his favorite techniques for visual blending — using different colors of similar value and combining transparent and opaque applications of paint to bring in the shimmer of moving water and wet rocks. 

These are the moves that have made Albert famous and that have earned him awards and accolades throughout his career.

Now, you get a front row seat to experience these moves for yourself and to incorporate them into your own artwork. 

You won’t want to miss a minute of this nearly six-hour video where Albert shares it all — every decision, every technique, and full explanations for why and how he does what he does … and does it so brilliantly.

“I visited Albert in his studio and asked him to show me something no one knows that has taken him a lifetime to figure out … I was so blown away by his colors-into-values technique, I said, ‘We have to get this in video. It’s life-changing for every artist.’ The investment in the video is worth it even just for this one technique … yet there is so much more.”   — Eric Rhoads, artist and publisher of PleinAir Magazine

You’ll capture the subtle and dramatic changes that occur when rocks disturb the water’s path. You’ll see all the amazing colors found in rocks and find a new sense of enthusiasm in painting them with Albert’s visual blending techniques. Whether the rocks are hidden below the water’s surface, peeking through, or found along the banks, you’ll be more confident in painting rocks after seeing them through Albert’s eyes.



  • Painting Water & Rocks in Oil
  • Welcome
  • Working with Photography
  • Albert's Paints
  • The Temperature & Value of Color
  • Paint Application
  • Painting Rocks Under the Water
  • Painting Reflections
  • Painting Energy & Movement
  • Demonstration: Drawing & Underpainting
  • Demonstration: Establish the Center of Interest
  • Demonstration: Develop the Center of Interest
  • Demonstration: Marry the Background & Center of Interest
  • Demonstration: Final Adjustments
  • Materials
  • Composition
  • Glazing & Scumbling
  • Demo High Speed ViewTM
  • Exhibit of Works
  • Interview


Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Paul Gustafsson
Handell - Painting Rocks and Water

If you are looking for an exciting demonstration, this is not it. If you want to learn a practical way of oil painting this is a very good video. He goes through a very thorough explanation of his process. It helps if you have seen other videos of his like "Painting In Oil" because his processes are explained in a different context but are the same. There is an emphasis on contrast in his method that I enjoy; warm and cool colors, light and dark tones, and transparent and opaque applications of paint. Overall, this video is a good demonstration of a practical method of painting in oil.

John Reid
Masterful video of a difficult subject

It is obvious that Albert has spent a great deal of time observing mountain streams. I learned from this video about the various forces acting on the water. The geometry of the rock is only one aspect to consider when rendering the scene. Other attributes such as the weathering pattern and the system of fractures also need to be considered. I particularly enjoyed how he talks to himself while painting because it enables the viewer to know what he is thinking while painting. A truly wonderful video.

good content and instructions

informative and inspiring!

Albert Handel water and Rocks

Although I have loved. Every video I have purchased, thus us my favorite. When it first started I was a little unsure but oh my gosh. Watching Albert Handel at work is like watching a magician. I see him putting in marks and wonder what the heck is he doing and suddenly like magic it's the best part of a waterfall or it's an underwater ledge. I just can't say enough about the wonder of his painting and his relationship with the paint, bush, and canvas- it truly is a relationship. He has a conversation with the painting.

Janice Hewett
Rocks and water

Rocks and water ...two of my favorite things to see and to paint. This video is just wonderful. Money well spent.