The face of a child is often difficult to read and may at once project many different and conflicting messages. Such is the expression captured at the moment in time in my lovely young model. Her piercing gaze sometimes projects inquisitiveness and other times misunderstanding. The lift of her brow asks a question while the almost-smile on her lips suggests mirth.
It was the subtle combination of all these interpretations that compelled me to paint the face and to attempt to capture all those different emotions. The lack of character lines on the face of a child make the task of recording all those things more difficult.
The three (3) projects contained on this CD, when viewed or printed, are exact reproductions of the original, printed versions. The user has complete control of the viewing process and may choose to print any or all of the included documentation, as desired.
The CD contains the following information for viewing and/or printing for each of the projects:
The Flower Maiden
SIZE: 16" x 20"
TECHNIQUE: Modified Verdaccio, Glazing, Opaque Overpainting.
CONTENTS: 18 Pages, 6 Color Images, Color Swatches, Cartoon Line Drawing.
NOTE: Recommended for beginning portrait painters.
This idealized portrait of a young girl looks as if it were painted in a totally impressionistic style, but the look is deceiving. It is rendered in a method that recalls the techniques and procedures of the Old Masters. The underpainting provides the value study upon which the paint is superimposed. The finish on the surface is the only thing impressionistic in the rendering. The thought process and execution is thoroughly Old Master, with a few short-cuts to facilitate the short painting time associated with alla-prima painting techniques.
Included with these instructions is a map of the face which shows the different planes of the face and identifies the colors and values used in each.
SIZE: 16" x 20"
TECHNIQUE: Tonal Wash, Modified Verdaccio, Glazing.
CONTENTS: 18 Pages, 6 Color Images, Color Swatches, Cartoon Line Drawing.
NOTE: Excellent choice for beginner portrait painters.
One might wonder what contemplative thoughts are going through the mind of this young woman pausing to lay her head against the embracing branches of the tree. She is neither sad nor happy, merely thoughtful.
I caught the wonderful expression on the face of my young model, who graciously poses for me occasionally. Her beautiful hair is a painter's dream to capture on canvas. The innocence of the simple, modest shift is a counterpoint to the sensuous, cascading curls of her hair. While the pose and expression on the face indicate quiet meditation, the movement in the forms of the hair suggests that this moment is fleeting.
The color scheme is very naturalistic, following the actual environment closely. The distinct color differences between the green background, blonde hair and white gown were successfully integrated into a unified whole by carefully repeating the colors in each of the major areas of all the others.
Wednesday's Child
SIZE: 16" x 20"
TECHNIQUE: Underpainting, Glazing.
CONTENTS: 27 Pages, 10 Color Images, Color Swatches, Cartoon Line Drawing.