If you’re still struggling with painting your favorite subjects using watercolor, there’s a huge chance you’re trying to solve the WRONG problem.
Once you know what the real issue is, it’s almost guaranteed that your watercolor paintings will improve…
…even if you’re completely new to watercolor!
Finding this hard to believe?
Stan Miller’s students felt the same way too at first … but once Stan told them what they should be focusing on, they started producing successful paintings.
And now they’re doing it consistently.
Stan Miller swears that everyone can create a beautiful watercolor painting…
He goes so far as to say you don’t need talent to paint successfully!
It’s not about having better technique (although improving that helps, and this video will show you how)...
It’s not about your ability to match values (but Stan will share some easy tricks to do this!)…
It’s not even about your brushwork (but we know you’ll learn a lot from Stan’s brushwork tips)!
In fact, you don’t even need to lift a brush to see a massive improvement!
The real secret to creating a successful painting simply comes down to two key factors:
1. Knowing how to choose the right reference subject…
2. Knowing the style of painting that matches your skill level…
When the two things above are combined with proper instruction, you can bet all your paint tubes and brushes you’re going to produce much more impressive watercolor paintings.
They’re the blind spots most watercolor instructors completely overlook.
This is why so many watercolorists are still struggling.
But thanks to Stan Miller, you can relax, knowing that sometimes it’s NOT your painting skills.
Get ready, because inside his brand new video workshop, everything will be revealed to you.
Stan will walk you through every important step involved in creating a successful painting you can be proud of.
Before you know it, your paintings are going to look so much better!