Lyn Boyer

Lyn Boyer: No Fear Oil Painting


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Video Length: 8 Hours 2 Minutes
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What’s exciting about the No Fear Oil Painting course:

  • The “mindset shift” that many artists are missing, and how a simple reframe could speed up your progress
  • Lyn Boyer’s proprietary “No Fear” approach to oil painting
  • How to master the brush and be more expressive with your paintings
  • The weird reason Lyn chooses uncomfortable brushes
  • Lyn’s liberating “Cave Artists” mindset
  • The underlying factor most artists overlook when handling the brush
  • Why overpainting is perfectly fine
  • Explanation of Lyn’s mantra: “Don’t pet the kitty”
  • The single most important element that will transform you into a fearless artist
  • How to use rhythms, sound, and music to overcome your biggest “progress blockers”
  • Specific exercises to expand your current artistic vocabulary
  • How to not be afraid of failure
  • How to create paintings with energy that retain the “ring of truth”
  • How to use new tools that bring energy and excitement to your mark-making
  • Plus much, much more!


    Regardless of your overall skill and enthusiasm, poor brushwork leads to paintings that are timid and lifeless. No matter how hard you try, your paintings will never turn out the way you want if you don’t upgrade your brush skills.

    Artist Lyn Boyer finds that many talented artists are being held back due to this one core issue — lack of skill and confidence in brush handling. Now, you have the opportunity to overcome this problem by studying with Lyn and learning her practical and creative approaches to brush handling.


    Lyn’s teaching methods reach every area of learning:

    • Mind - overcoming fear and building confidence
    • Body - practical brush handling skills
    • Spirit - unique tools and exercises


    You’ll become more intuitive with your painting tools when you incorporate Lyn’s effective practice techniques.

    Expect to be a bit surprised when you see Lyn using unique rhythmic and musical tools and exercises to help you get past the problems that may be blocking your progress. You’ll soon be approaching your canvas without fear, regardless of the type of painting you do. 

    This video is not specific to any type of painting — it’s for every artist who wishes to improve their brush handling by advancing their skill, increasing their confidence, and having the freedom to experiment in order to bring more power and expression to their work.


    No Fear Oil Painting: A Guide to Creative Brush Handling.

    Finally, you’re about to discover exactly how to have absolute freedom in your painting and paint without any feelings of doubt. 

    You’ll discover what it takes to be a fearless painter — an artist who dares to show their most vulnerable self without any fear of judgment.

    These skills will not only help you produce even better artwork, you’ll also start feeling better about yourself!


    About Lyn Boyer

    Lyn Boyer is one of those standout painters whose work will jump out on the walls of museums. But she wasn’t always this way. She spent decades stuck among the timid, doing what others have always done. 

    In fact, Lyn had to fight her own instincts so she could break out of the mold of the average painter. Sure, she was good. Actually, she was great! 

    But she did not just want to be great. She wanted her work to jump out, and she wanted the personal satisfaction of exceptional work. 

    She was so driven to find a way to escape the timid and the average that she doesn’t want any painter to ever suffer like she did. 

    So she has developed a teaching system to make you rise up from the ashes and lose all your fears as a painter.


    Rule-breakers change the world. Lyn Boyer will help you change YOUR world!

    No Fear Oil Painting is Lyn Boyer’s first ever instructional video, and she has packed it with fear-removing techniques to help you move away from being timid.


    A Unique Approach to Fearless Painting

    What makes this video so different is that she’s taking a completely unique approach, one no other artist in our repertoire offers.

    She has partnered with traditional and contemporary musician Dave Curley to produce music that unlocks an artist’s expressive freedom.

    This never-experienced-before instructional video is designed to destroy your fears around painting. 

    We promise that as you watch and paint with Lyn, you’ll get a sense of energy building up within you. 

    You’re going to feel an aura of power, helping you be more expressive with your brushstrokes.

    This is one video you have to experience to know what we’re talking about. You simply can’t get this anywhere else. 


    Lyn’s ultimate goal for this video is to help oil painters reach new levels of freedom, power, and expression.

    You’ll get to explore creative brush handling ... the use of innovative and inventive tools for mark-making … and much, much more.

    The best part is that you can start using them immediately, regardless of your skill level


    Inside No Fear Oil Painting, Lyn will show you:

    • The concepts, skills, and brush handling needed to approach the canvas with the confidence that leads to expressive painting
    • How to carefully choose and have full command of your art materials
    • How to expand your brush vocabulary by mastering the nuances of brush handling
    • How to use new tools and bring energy and excitement to your mark-making
    • A demo of the painting The Froggers, along with brush-handling exercises taught in concert with Dave’s rhythmic interpretations


    Lyn will also show you techniques such as:

    • How to use a variety of brushes and mark-making tools to push the boundaries of your expression
    • The complete methodology for creating a successful painting start to finish
    • When and how to add mediums
    • How to build your surface by applying and removing paint
    • How to properly mix your paints and load your brushes for different effects
    • Plus much more!



    • High speed view of demonstration painting
    • Exhibit of works from the artist
    • Lyn Boyer and Dave Curley discuss how music and painting go together
    • Music for Painting: Performed by Dave Curley and filmed in the world famous artist’s cabin owned by Eric Rhoads



    • Introduction & Exercises
    • Introduction & Intent
    • Materials & Setup
    • Brush Handling Exercises
    • Rhythm Painting Exercises
    • Painting Demonstration Part 1
    • Step 1: Lay the Foundation
    • Step 2: Tone the Surface
    • Step 3: Make the Map
    • Step 4: Block in the Darks
    • Painting Demonstration Part 2
    • Step 5: Block in the Lights
    • Step 6: Block in the Mid Values
    • Step 7: Cover the Canvas
    • Step 8: Resolve the Painting
    • About No Fear Oil Painting™
    • Music for Painting
    • Exhibit of Works


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 9 reviews
    Kathleen Hartman
    Excellent video for oil painters

    Recently purchased Lyn Boyer's NO FEAR OIL PAINTING. I am so happy I did because I've only been through about half of the video and have learned so much already. I am an oil painter and no instructor has ever shared the information like Lyn Boyer does! I would highly recommend this video for beginner to intermediate painters. I'm learning so much! And it is something I can go back to and revisit regularly if I feel the need.

    Sherry R Nelson
    get this!!! what great tools

    This video showed me so much about using knives and color, darkest darks, lightest lights, etc. And she even has a color mixing guide attached.
    I recommend it highly.
    Sherry Nelson

    Whitney Sholars
    No Fear Oil Painting

    The video is well made. I enjoyed it very much!

    susie gregory
    ne fear painting

    loved her loose style!. .learned a lot!

    Karen H MAURER
    No Fear Oil Painting - KNOW YOUR BRUSHES and how to use them!

    I am so pleased to have this CD -- and a little sad that I didn't get the online version for "transportability" -- This video is long overdue for ALL painters. Lyn Boyer's dexterity and adaptability with different tools (including brushes) and the marks they make open a whole new world to those who simply limit themselves to any single approach, whether beginner or advanced. It's far broader than" A Guide to Creative Brush Handling" -- it's that and so much more! Give every minute a listen to, and repeat, repeat, repeat until you can grasp what's being taught and encouraged and what's left to your own individual interpretation and use. You'll be pleasantly surprised and less fearful with every stroke! High praise doesn't go far enough!