Albert Handell

Albert Handell: Mastering Pastels


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Video Length: 3 Hours 22 Minutes
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Highlights of this video course:

  • A beautiful pastel painting demonstration
  • Never-heard-before painting tips and tricks from the master himself
  • The surprising positive side of watercolor accidents
  • The “sky-holes” technique for shaping trees
  • How to start a painting, finish a painting, and everything in between!
  • Boost the “carrying power” of your paintings to draw viewers in
  • An in-depth understanding of how warm colors “rise” and cool colors “drop”
  • How to make enhanced composition changes as you paint
  • Methods to eliminate “overworking” a painting
  • Why watercolor and pastel is a perfect mix
  • Create space with transparent and opaque colors
  • Albert’s unique “Hunter-Gatherer” organizing strategy
  • An insightful interview with Albert Handell
  • A digital gallery of some of Albert’s best work
  • BONUS: 2019 tribute video created to honor Albert as he was presented with PleinAir magazine’s Lifetime Achievement Award
  • And much, much more!

You have the incredible opportunity to learn about pastel painting from Albert Handell, an art legend!

This is an amazing video course where Albert shares techniques, insights, and wisdom that he has gained through his seven decades as an artist.

You’ll watch how this master painter begins a painting, progresses through each stage, and how he decides when it is finished … allowing you to stop overworking your own paintings.

You’ll see how Handell harmonizes the transparent and opaque passages of the pastel — creating a delightful and pleasing composition.

He’ll show you how to maximize each and every color of the pastel by understanding its nature.

You’ll experience in-depth explanations of landscape proportions (demonstrations included!)

Albert even shares his secrets for grabbing a viewers’ attention, even from afar, and drawing them into the painting by amplifying its “carrying power.”

He offers you his best techniques on how to create exciting and dynamic paintings by avoiding boring placement.

You’ll learn how to “see through things” and know exactly how to strongly complete certain areas of the painting — critical to the composition.

One of the biggest benefits you’ll gain is how to maintain intentional variety and unity throughout your painting to keep the eyes of your viewers glued to your creation!

Don’t miss your chance to study pastel painting with Albert Handell.

Chapter Outline

  • Introduction to Pastel Painting
  • Variation on a Theme
  • Lay Out the Composition
  • Transparent Watercolor Underpainting
  • Pastel Beginnings
  • After the Block In
  • Take it to the Finish


Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
Ngaire Winwood
Masterful Simplistic Beauty

This painting appeared resolved with every stroke towards it's completion. A scurry of what seemed haphazard brushstrokes soon revealed a well placed rock bank. A rich colour placed randomly on an ordinary space was a perfectly placed highlight to a building yet to be finished. The pure delight of dancing colours moving across the canvas ended up being an ordinary quaint barn in a forest. Magical, to say the least to watch! Bravo Master Handell.

Larry Fielding
Getting feet wet in Pastels

I enjoyed Albert Handell's relaxed, casual demeanor. It was like he just wanted to relax, but the thought that he had a new eager audience of wanta-be pastel artists, he came alive! I also like his speaking to us to say it's okay to do it differntly, it's okay to make a mistake and this is how you fix it. I liked, also his attitude about doing your art in your own style, even to changing your refereb e image to something more appealing to yourself. Thank you, for asking my opinion.

Great from general through particulars

This video is relaxing, yet inspiring. The reference photo is always available alongside the pastel work, so you can see the areas Albert is focusing on. Lots of sampling of his pastels, good suggestions about the portability of pastels. You can really see when he is demonstrating value and varying the pressure of application. I also enjoyed the extra features included on the dvd, just listening to him speak about his own background and discoveries. And here's one other human being who uses the expression, "Okey-dokey!".

Another great video by Albert Handell

I now have 3 of Albert's videos, and I think this one might be my favourite. I love Albert's style, and always feel inspired after watching his videos. This time it's pastel, which is a new medium for me. I feel more confident about working with them after watching this video. It's one I'll return to again and again.

Great product

I really enjoyed the video and the service as well! Thank you!