Maureen Killaby

Maureen Killaby: Portrait Drawing Workshop - Skin Tones

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Video Length: 1 Hour 3 Minutes
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Capture the realistic skin tone of your model with artist Maureen Killaby. 

Join Maureen as she shows you how to use a variety of pencil leads and sizes to create a range of skin tone values in light and shadow for realistic faces every time. 

She begins the workshop with gradient exercises to help you understand how values transition across a face. Next she jumps into the faces themselves and covers techniques for light, medium and dark skin tones.
Please note: This workshop focuses on specific skin tones and Killaby does not finish a completed portrait during the lessons. She also does not do a stand-alone chapter on her materials specifically. She does, however, do a great job explaining exactly what tool (lead softness, blending tool, etc) she’s using while she’s working.
About Maureen Killaby
Maureen Killaby is a professional artist with a passion for art that started with oil glaze paintings, and a more recent gravitation toward pencil art, and colored pencil art. Maureen teaches in her studio and in workshops around the U.S.. Her instruction focuses on an Old Masters’ approach to classical drawing, but she also offers traditional drawing, figure drawing and painting classes in various media for adults and young adults.