Johnnie Liliedahl

Johnnie Liliedahl: Portrait Drawing in Charcoal


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Video Length: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
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 Learning to Draw Likenesses

If you have ever attempted to draw a portrait and failed, believing that capturing a likeness requires a certain artistic "gift" of drawing, this video will dispel that notion forever. Drawing a likeness is a matter of being able to accurately measure what you see in an individual's face that makes them different from everyone else. What makes them unique is how they differ from the "average" face.

This face is explained, drawn and measured for you in terms that any aspiring artist can understand. An entire section is devoted to drawing individual features of eyes, nose, and mouth in full-face, 3/4 view, and profile. Then, a live model is set-up and her portrait is drawn using the methods and measurements shown in the video.

This video is a must for your library if you aspire to draw and paint faces.