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Create Beautiful Landscape Paintings in Just a Few Hours
For centuries … painters have been putting emotion and mood into their paintings.
Great painters have long since discovered that a painting cannot be just a representation of a scene.
A great painting needs to be a representation of a mood … the emotions the artist experienced in the place.
But how do you create mood and emotion?
How do you make your paintings feel luminous?
Are You Ready to Master This Skill Yourself?
You have two choices as an artist…
You can be self-taught and spend countless hours of frustration, burning years of time.
Or you can hire an experienced hand to guide you — overcoming years or even decades of frustration.
Which is why many of the most ambitious artists choose to learn directly from another artist to help them overcome years of experimentation.
A Proven Way to Paint Luminous Landscapes
It’s funny.
Just a few years ago, traditional oil painters might have looked down their noses at painters who used water-mixable oils.
They even viewed those paints as “inferior.”
Yet nowadays?
Many of the best painters are using them.
More and more traditional oil painters are jumping on the “water-mixable bandwagon.”
Heck, the quality of certain water-mixable oils is now so high, there are tons of advantages to using them over traditional oils.
Lori is a certified Master Artist in Water-Mixable Oil Paints. But you don’t have to use them–This video training will show you how to paint landscapes using the paint of your choice.
Here are a few of those benefits:
You will be getting a world-class education when you learn her ways.
And it gets even better.
This video will cost cost you just a fraction of what you’d pay for her in-person workshops. Plus you don’t have to travel.
We filmed Lori’s entire painting process.
In that time, she shows you how to paint a winter landscape…
And how to paint a summer one.
You simply pick up your brush and paint along with Lori, following her brushstrokes and listening to her instructions.
It’s a proven model for learning fast. Plus, unlike a workshop, you can rewind things you want to understand more deeply and watch again
Here’s a preview of the tips and techniques you’ll discover as you go through the training videos: