John Cosby

John Cosby: Painting Plein Air Impressionism


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Video Length: 2 Hours 54 Minutes
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This cinematic video production includes:

  • A step-by-step plein air demonstration...
  • An exhibit of the artist's work...
  • An interview with the artist by B. Eric Rhoads...

John Cosby is known internationally for finding captivating subjects in everyday locations that others might overlook. His keen eye for composition brings his scenes to life, and his use of bold color and energetic brushstrokes have made him one of the most sought-after painters by collectors around the world. In this video you'll learn John's step-by-step techniques for capturing the essence of the environments he depicts.


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Joseph Gore
enjoyable lesson

I enjoyed John's relaxed presentation style and hearing his thoughts while watching him apply paint and make adjustments. His color mixing explanation/demonstration was very helpful. His paint thickness appears to be thin but I would have liked to hear an explanation of the thickness he prefers and why.

George Kreutz
Plein Air Impressionism John Cosby

I have painted in workshops and in stufio classes taught by John for several years.
John is a artists teacher as this video demonstrates.

Malcolm Gaissert
John Cosby: Painting Plein Air Impressionism

During John Cosby's marine painting and talk, despite having a video camera pointed at him for several hours, he looked so at ease. It appeared to me as if he had thought out everything he would say before the camera rolled.

I was so impressed with the amount of information John gave during his time in front of the camera that I feel that I can get even more in one of his multi-day workshops.