Oliver Sin

Oliver Sin Video/Book Combo


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Streaming + DVD + Book
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RELATED PRODUCTS - Click HERE for the Oliver Sin video and HERE for the Oliver Sin book


Drawing The Head For Artists Book:

Drawing the Head for Artistsis the definitive modern guide to drawing the human head and portrait. This soft cover book features the classic mediums and methods of the Old Masters.

Written by celebrated portrait artist and veteran studio instructor Oliver Sin, this richly informative and beautifully illustrated volume leads readers step-by-step through his method, from establishing a point of viewto applying the timeless principles for creating an accurate and expressive likeness.


Among the topics covered:

  • Essential Materials & Techniques: Learn about necessary supplies and basic drawing techniques, including hatching, various stroke styles, and blending.
  • Applying the Essentials: Explore how the concepts of sight-sizing, value, negative space/shapes, and plane changes factor into a portrait’s underlying structure.
  • Techniques for Creating Depth & Dimension: Investigate how contrasting shapes, overlapping forms, and linear and atmospheric perspective are used to enhance depth.
  • Creating the Illusion of Three Dimensions: Examine how edges—contours as well as changes in value—are used to convey three-dimensional form.


Brimming with striking images that document all the phases and details of the author’s process, Drawing the Head for Artists inspires and informs all artists, from aspiring to accomplished, on how to successfully portray the physical subtleties and emotional eloquence of the human face.


Portrait Drawing Simplified Video:

In Portrait Drawing Simplified, Oliver Sin freely shares what he has learned in his many years of study through school, college, the movie industry, and in his professional teaching career to help you advance your skill at an incredibly quick rate.

Oliver will show you how to overcome your struggles with portraits and he’ll demonstrate exactly how to avoid common mistakes. He’ll lead you to remember why you wanted to try portrait work in the first place by bringing you back to the fun of it all. 

Among many achievements and awards, Oliver has had his beautiful, captivating portraits featured on the cover of Time Magazine,twice! He also worked for George Lucas as a concept artist before moving on to an incredibly successful teaching career that spanned 20 years.

If you’ve ever had any desire at all to create breathtaking portraits, don’t pass up this rare opportunity to learn from Oliver Sin.

If you’ve tried portraits and you’re unhappy with the results, you’ll find Oliver to be a great encouragement. He openly admits his own failures and what he’s done to rectify them. This alone will slice years off of your own learning and practice curve.

Trust us when we say that Oliver Sin has many things to teach you and you don’t want to pass up an opportunity to learn from him.