Attention, watercolorists! This may solve your watercolor issues for good…

Award-Winning Watercolorist Reveals His Counterintuitive Approach to Make Painting Any Subject Easier (No Matter Your Skill Level!)

Before You Even Touch on Technique, Fix These “Painting Blind Spots” and See a Major Improvement to Your Paintings!

HURRY, DIscount ENDS soon


Available in both Streaming and DVD Formats

If you’re still struggling with painting your favorite subjects using watercolor, there’s a huge chance you’re trying to solve the WRONG problem.

Once you know what the real issue is, it’s almost guaranteed that your watercolor paintings will improve…

…even if you’re completely new to watercolor!

Finding this hard to believe?

Stan Miller’s students felt the same way too at first … but once Stan told them what they should be focusing on, they started producing successful paintings.

And now they’re doing it consistently.

Stan Miller swears that everyone can create a beautiful watercolor painting…

He goes so far as to say you don’t need talent to paint successfully!

It’s not about having better technique (although improving that helps, and this video will show you how)...

It’s not about your ability to match values (but Stan will share some easy tricks to do this!)…

It’s not even about your brushwork (but we know you’ll learn a lot from Stan’s brushwork tips)! 

In fact, you don’t even need to lift a brush to see a massive improvement!

The real secret to creating a successful painting simply comes down to two key factors:

1. Knowing how to choose the right reference subject… 

2. Knowing the style of painting that matches your skill level…

When the two things above are combined with proper instruction, you can bet all your paint tubes and brushes you’re going to produce much more impressive watercolor paintings.

They’re the blind spots most watercolor instructors completely overlook.

This is why so many watercolorists are still struggling.

But thanks to Stan Miller, you can relax, knowing that sometimes it’s NOT your painting skills.

Get ready, because inside his brand new video workshop, everything will be revealed to you.

Stan will walk you through every important step involved in creating a successful painting you can be proud of.

Before you know it, your paintings are going to look so much better!



Stan Miller has been a professional painter in watercolor for over 40 years, and is known throughout the art world as one of the top watercolorists out there.

He has won numerous national and international awards, and he’s taught watercolor methods and techniques to thousands of students since 1976. 

He’s also a signature member of the prestigious American Watercolor Society, and currently teaches workshops around the world.

His works have such a unique look that many artists are dying to know his secrets…

…and it all started with Andrew Wyeth.

Stan started out painting loosely in watercolor, but when he saw the realistic style of Andrew Wyeth, he decided to emulate that.

He was thinking, “Maybe I should slow down…”

The result was nothing short of amazing — he started producing incredibly realistic paintings like never before.

He then combined both styles and came up with something truly special — and he’s going to reveal everything for you



I have never done watercolor before, but you make it so much easier to understand, and it makes me less afraid to try it … Thank you. 

— Anonymous

(review for one of Stan Miller’s best-selling video)


What a wonderful teacher you are!!! I’ve never heard value and color explained so clearly. Thank you for sharing that information. 

— Connie C

(review for one of Stan Miller’s best-selling video)


Stan, your tutorials are just wonderful, and I rewatch them and learn each time, then paint for a long time. You can never go over this stuff too much, so I want to thank you for your efforts. 

— Yvonne S.

(review for one of Stan Miller’s best-selling video)

Available in both Streaming and DVD Formats

Introducing Stan Miller’s Brand NEW Course:

A Journey to Venice: Watercolor Techniques for Capturing Travel Memories

In this video, Stan Miller will guide you through the process of creating a stunning watercolor painting of a wooden boat on the waters of Venice, Italy, as shown below:

Stan has been to Venice at least six times and can’t get enough of the history and the people! The old wooden boats, the textures of the buildings, the intricate world of reflections everywhere you look! So much to paint!

In this video Stan will guide you to paint the things that speak to the place you want to remember, to the memories you want to capture and portray in your paintings!

He’ll prove to you that when armed with the right instruction and techniques, you too can pull this off, no matter your skill level.

Stan will share his expertise on:

  • Identifying the essential elements that make a strong composition…
  • Selecting the perfect reference image for your scene…
  • Mastering proper watercolor techniques, including managing water-to-paint ratios…
  • Avoiding common pitfalls that can diminish the impact of your painting…
  • Infusing your work with emotion and atmosphere…
  • Choosing the right style that matches your skill level...

This video is MORE than your typical “Follow me and paint along” workshop.

Key focuses of this video workshop include:

  • Understanding what’s important in your scene and what’s not…
  • Techniques for painting boats, buildings, water, reflections, and various textures…
  • Managing brush wetness for optimal results…
  • Achieving accurate colors, using white squares as a reference…
  • Improving composition …
  • Mastering drybrush and wet-on-wet techniques…
  • Creating and using hard and soft edges for visual impact…
  • …and so much more!

By following Stan’s clear guidelines and expert advice, you’ll learn how to transform a simple scene into a captivating watercolor masterpiece that captures the timeless beauty of Venice.

Available in both Streaming and DVD Formats


Video Length: Nearly 3 Hours (174 Minutes)

Chapter 1: Introduction to Materials & Principles of Painting

In this chapter, Stan Miller introduces the essential materials and core principles of watercolor painting. You’ll learn about his preferred color palette and supplies. Stan covers the five fundamental principles: drawing for accuracy, understanding value, color mixing with just three primary colors, basic techniques, and the crucial role of composition. These foundational elements will set you up for success in creating compelling watercolor paintings.

Chapter 2: Choosing the Photo Reference

Stan guides you through the critical process of selecting an appropriate reference photo. He explains why overly complex or fuzzy images can hinder your progress and demonstrates how to simplify complicated scenes. You’ll learn to choose references that match your skill level, setting yourself up for a more enjoyable and successful painting experience. Stan also emphasizes the importance of working from a printed photo rather than a digital screen.

Chapter 3: Transfer the Image

Discover a foolproof method to accurately transfer your chosen image onto watercolor paper — no drawing skills required. This technique ensures your painting starts with a solid foundation, allowing you to focus on developing your watercolor skills rather than worrying about getting proportions right.

Chapter 4: Paint the Details First

Stan demonstrates his unique approach of starting with the fine details. You’ll learn techniques for various elements like boats, water, architecture, and reflections. Key lessons include using a limited palette, balancing water and pigment, color mixing, and specialized techniques like dry brush for texture. Stan shares valuable tips on observing closely, correcting mistakes, and making design choices that enhance your painting’s impact.

Chapter 5: Wash on the Paint

Building on the detailed work, Stan shows how to apply broader washes to larger areas like buildings and water. You’ll learn advanced techniques such as glazing for delicate color mixes, drybrushing for texture, and how to paint wet-over-dry without disturbing underlying layers. Stan provides crucial advice on achieving correct values and painting convincing reflections in water.

Chapter 6: Final Adjustments

In this concluding chapter, Stan demonstrates how to critically assess your work and make final refinements. You’ll learn to compare different versions of a painting, identifying areas for improvement in color and value. Stan shows techniques for darkening specific areas and using opaque white to reclaim highlights, teaching you how to bring your painting to its full potential.

What STAN MILLER Will Share Inside 

A Journey to Venice: Watercolor Techniques for Capturing Travel Memories

Learn to Solve the RIGHT Problems!

Probably the biggest issue among struggling watercolorists is that they’re NOT solving the right problems! You may have this major blind spot right now, and it could explain why you’re still struggling.

In this video workshop, Stan will make sure you’re working on the right problems. This alone could elevate your painting skills, before you even touch on technique! There’s a big chance you already have the skills, but because of certain things you’re not aware of, your paintings are affected.

Rest assured that after watching this video, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to create even more stunning paintings!

Improve Your Skills in Capturing Memories!

There may have been many times when you wanted to paint a scene, but you couldn’t do it yet. It’s extremely rewarding to be able to capture your travel memories and express what you felt during that moment in time. You don’t want to forget the emotions, the stories, and the experiences you had! 

With Stan Miller’s brilliant instruction, you’ll soon be able to confidently paint any subject you wish! 

The best thing is, the skills you’re going to learn in this video workshop can be applied anywhere. All your future paintings are going to be so much better, giving you the much-needed confidence to go and paint whatever you like!

Discover What Most Watercolor Instructors Fail to Address!

One thing Stan has noticed is that most watercolor instructors completely overlook the importance of explaining the process sequentially.

Every single step has a purpose. And every step must be explained clearly and thoroughly. For example, the number one reason students get frustrated is not having the right photo reference to work with.

The photos they’re working with have horrible composition … are way too difficult to achieve … require lots of editing … have values that are too unified … or are just too fuzzy.

Choosing the right subject or photograph is key to a successful watercolor painting, and few artists know how to do this right!

Inside this workshop, everything will be made clear!

Available in both Streaming and DVD Formats

HERE's A small taste of what's inside

A Journey to Venice: Watercolor Techniques for Capturing Travel Memories

✅ A counterintuitive approach for producing stunning watercolor paintings no matter what your subject, even if you’re a beginner…

✅ Basic techniques and key issues to watch out for (even experienced artists miss these)...

✅ The importance of values and how to measure them so they’re accurate…

✅ How to get the exact results you want with your brushwork…

✅ The “Three Color System” to help you learn color…

✅ How to pinpoint the minor tweaks you can make that will enhance your painting’s outcome…

✅ The best tool to help improve your design…

✅ The critical missing element most instructors overlook that leads to a much stronger painting...

✅ The number one reason students are still failing with their watercolor paintings … and how to avoid it!

How to choose a style of painting that fits your skill level...

✅ The proven process to create stunning paintings like clockwork...

The key principles you’re most likely missing that will speed up your painting skills...

✅ The “shortcuts” that can save you months of trying to figure it out..

Award-winning techniques you can easily follow and implement in your own work

✅ How to paint water successfully…

How to know what’s important and what’s not important (a critical lesson every artist must internalize)...

✅ How to build proper technique and make it stick...

How to get the right amount of wetness/dryness on your brush (critical lesson)...

✅ The “Square Mat” technique to get the correct color every time…

How to get smooth color transitions…

✅ How to do washes that stay fresh…

✅ Stan’s unique take on drybrush and wet-on-wet...

PLUS: The trick few know about to avoid the chaos of backwashes and dried edges where you don’t want them…

…and countless other tips and insights that most watercolor instructors don’t even know about!

Discover Stan Miller’s Watercolor Secrets in

A Journey to Venice: Watercolor Techniques for Capturing Travel Memories!

Everyone has blind spots. 

Those blind spots could be the reason you’re still struggling with your watercolor paintings.

You know that your watercolor paintings could be much better.

But you just don’t know what you’re missing.

In this video, Stan Miller is going to cover every step of the painting process so all your bases are covered.

Very few instructors have the same level of experience and skill as Stan Miller

He may have the answers you’ve been looking for.

In fact … just one insight from him could easily transform your artwork faster than anything else … and you’re getting a few hours’ worth of in-depth instruction, from start to finish.

There are two options for you now…

You can go back to what you’ve been doing — trial-and-error various approaches and techniques until you find the answer…


You can shortcut your way to becoming a better version of yourself as an artist with Stan Miller’s brilliant instruction.

You don’t even have to think or figure things out — just listen and absorb information while you follow along.

In just one sitting, you’re going to discover how to create successful paintings that get noticed.

Furthermore, if you live far away from Stan and can’t attend his workshops, this video is the next best thing.

It’s like having him as your personal, “in-house” instructor you can refer to over and over again — and it won’t cost you an extra penny.

Plus, you’ll get to see all the materials used so you won’t end up wasting money on getting the wrong ones.

It’s a shortcut to what works so you can continue painting instead of spending time figuring what to get or what to do!

Once you know all that, there’s no stopping you from creating even more brilliant artwork!

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Experience the “PaintTube Difference” and Finally See Your Art Transform!

You’ve likely tried countless “learn to paint” resources, yet your art still falls short of where you want it to be. 

You’re here because you want to try something different.

We pride ourselves in having exclusive access to the world’s most elite artists to extract their career-making secrets using our proven "teach for results" process — all shot in our professional studio in Austin, TX, using “Hollywood-grade” production for maximum clarity and skill retention. 

Plus, you’re protected by our 100% money-back guarantee. 

If you don’t see noticeable improvement in your artistry after watching our instructional videos, just ask and we’ll refund every cent — no questions asked. 


For much less than the price of a workshop, you get to learn career-making techniques from a brilliant artist and instructor…

…plus, you can watch this video again and again — for life!

We highly recommend you go through this course at least twice to cement the lessons into your subconscious.

Our goal is to make it both easy and affordable for you to apprentice under the world’s best artists — from the comfort of your own home or studio.

Join us risk-free today and pick up where the rest leave off on your journey toward artistic excellence.

Soon you will produce artwork that viewers will love and collectors might buy!

Get started right away by selecting the digital version.

30-Day 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee!

After you go through this course, we want you to be completely satisfied and feel confident that you’ve improved your painting skills.

However, if after watching the video, you decide it’s just not for you, let us know within 30 days of purchase and we’ll refund 100% of your money.

To your success!

Eric Rhoads, Publisher

Though you can observe the techniques of any artist instantly by watching them demonstrate and by watching the videos repeatedly, please know that, though many artists offer insights that can help people overcome a lot of learning time, every artist learns at their own speed based on their own level of understanding. Painting and drawing bring great joy, though the joy may come from practicing various techniques over and over until you master them. We do not wish to indicate that you, or anyone, can skip the joy of practice and the challenges of getting better. Painting is a lifetime endeavor, and getting good does not typically happen rapidly, or instantly. Your results may vary. And please know that if at any time within 30 days you feel this video has not lived up to your expectations or its promise, we will happily refund your money.