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Here’s just a glimpse of what Mark has for you:
Have you had that one moment when you saw artwork that truly captured your heart and mind?
Mark Shasha had that experience when he was just 8 years old. His mother took him to an art festival. They looked at a LOT of art. To hear Mark tell the story, everything was just OK until he saw an artist demonstrating how to paint sea grass on his sandy beach landscape.
That’s the day his life changed.
He couldn’t wait to get home and draw grass just like that artist. In fact, he was so taken by the magic he saw in front of him, he only caught the last name of the artist who inspired him. His last name was Noble.
It was many years later -- well into his very successful art career — that he was traveling with his wife when they found themselves in a quaint hotel room, and there in that room was a Noble painting!
Mark wants to be that inspiration for you. He is sharing ALL of the secrets he has learned throughout his 40-year career in this all-new video.
Just look at what that inspired 8-year-old now creates:
Of course, his paintings didn’t look like this when he was 8! It took practice and learning the methods his mentors used. Plus he discovered some tricks of his own along the way.
Be patient with yourself as you learn. But be sure to learn. Learn from the greats. Learn from artists like Mark Shasha. You’ll be so glad you did. And you’ll build your reputation faster along the way.
What is the “Golden Hour”?
It is that special time that happens only once each day. Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate and we don’t get to feel that golden light as the sun begins to set. But when we do get to see it, it’s magical.
In Painting the Golden Hour, Mark paints a beautiful beach landscape when the sun is still high in the sky and shows us how that impacts the entire scene.
How can you capture a “sun-washed” scene?
You know those days at the beach when sunglasses are your best friend? Those days when it seems like diamonds are dancing on the water? Those days when there is a little breeze blowing those tall thin blades of grass?
Here is the demonstration painting Mark will be creating during this video. Notice how absolutely showered in sunshine this scene is:
As Mark instructs and demonstrates a full start-to-finish beach and seascape oil painting, he’ll reveal what has taken him years to master — his specific techniques, including a unique application process, that results in a scene that is awash with sunshine.
The Sandy Secret
The sun is only one component of an engaging beach landscape. Another element is: SAND. This can be tricky to paint without it turning into a muddy mess.
Using an in-studio prop, Mark demonstrates the light direction, hard edges, shadows, and soft edges that make sand look textured and real.
Then, on the canvas, he easily translates this to the brushstrokes that create his sandy world. You’ll get an entire new set of techniques that will serve you for a lifetime.
You’ll Also Get Mark’s Paint Chip Secret
As a BONUS, you’ll also get Mark’s “Paint Chip Secret.” This was developed by Mark during the years he was doing a LOT of plein air painting.
It is the ONE thing that guarantees you capture the perfect colors outside. These are the colors your EYES see. You no longer have to be at the mercy of cameras that flatten the color spectrum and rob you of valuable richness and value gradations.
Mark will explain how he uses his special paint chips and how easy it is for you to do the exact same thing.
“My paintings evoke many things to me. They are glimpses of my years: mementos, solitary hours, far flung adventures, passionate struggles, good times, and dear friends.” — Mark Shasha
Chapter Outline
Extras included with the video: